A patent litigator with a science background, Julie Fleming excels at advising other attorneys on how to build a practice for themselves and their law firms.
Julie Fleming’s father was a lawyer. He wanted his daughter to become a nuclear physicist. You see how well that worked out. Maybe he shouldn’t have been dragging her to his American Bar Association meetings when she was in middle school. It was inevitable that Julie would come to love the law.
From college to law school to clerking for a federal district judge at age 24…
…Julie was quickly exposed to a breadth of practice: criminal law, contracts cases, intellectual property, employment law and more.
Nuclear physics aside, Julie did return to college for a degree in biology. The plan was to unite her skills at high-tech, biotech, and patent litigation into a career as a patent litigator.
It was during the process of founding a patent lawyer’s litigation department that Julie learned firsthand the necessities of book building. After passing the patent bar, Julie spent seven years between a mega firm and a boutique IP litigation firm–both of them places where the importance of building a book of business became evident.
Julie loves practicing law.
In her career as a strategic adviser, Julie has been influential for hundreds of attorneys.
Most importantly, Julie Fleming has given these lawyers power over their own careers.